Örümcek Adam Resimleri, Spider Man Art
Örümcek Adam Resimleri, Spider Man Art
Örümcek Adam Resimleri, Spider Man Art, eski ve yeni resimler bir arada
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Örümcek Adam Resimleri, Spider Man Art, örümcek ipiyle ordan oraya uçuyor bu adam
Örümcek Adam Resimleri, Spider Man Art
Spider man resimleri
A species of spider in Africa builds 75-foot webs out of silk that is stronger than the material used in bulletproof vests.
Originally discovered in Madagascar in 2001, Darwin’s bark spider constructs webs that can span entire rivers! Its silk must be remarkably strong in order to bear the weight of its massive structures. Darwin’s bark spiders spin silk that is twice as strong as any other spider’s and TEN TIMES better than Kevlar, the substance used in bulletproof vests and bike frames)!
Its silk is not only the strongest known to man, but it is also the toughest biological material overall! Scientists believe that it is likely that there is even stronger silk out there that has yet to be found.
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